Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Mayan calendar predicts the end of the world on December 21, 2012 - that is: 12212012. The Chinese book The I Ching also shows 64 sequences of 64 symbols which end on December 21, 2012. There exist several ancient sources, all in agreement that time will end for us on 12/21/2012. How could this be?

Some say that "aliens" - living beings from other planets, have long visited Earth and may have been in contact with the Mayans (and others) teaching them the mathematics to develop their hyper-accurate calendar, which is, by the way, more accurate than our own calendars.

This could be and would explain pyramids in Mayan lands, Egypt, and China.

At the Church of I we believe that the collective consciousness we call "I" or "God" is made up of all consciousnesses that have EVER lived, no matter WHERE they lived, including other Galaxies and all other universes. The fact that prophets as diverse as Nostradamus, the Oracle at Delphi, the Mayans, and the Chinese agree in many aspects indicates to us that there are those, now and in ancient times, whom had a "connection" with I such that some portion of the Universal Consciousness knowledge is revealed to these Prophets. It may very well be this Knowledge which inspired Budha, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammed.